Selective collection: perception and knowledge about the subject - an exploratory research
Environmental Management, Solid Waste, Selective CollectionAbstract
Environmental issues are more and more present in everyday population and in corporate environment. In order to obtain sustainable development, practices aimed to the sustainability are developed every time. One way to achieve this development is the management of solid waste, through the selective collection. The best disposal of solid waste can build a sustainable population in the social and environmental viewpoint, through the reduction of waste generated, reuse and recycling of materials as an alternative income. This work aims to diagnose the perception of a group of students in relation to knowledge of selective collection. By this study it was verified that the interviewees have knowledge about the selective collection, but few of them do it. It was perceived too that there is not a meaningful identification on the part of the interviewees about the solid waste collection in their cities, indicating that this kind of practice needs to be disseminated and implemented on ample scales.Downloads
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