Environmental experiences of an interdisciplinary pedagogical practice in Vila of Itaúnas Conceição da Barra, ES


  • Rosiane Lima Demoner Faculdades Intergradas de Aracruz, Aracruz, ES




Environmental Education, Itaúnas Fundão School


This paper reports on the pedagogical experiment performed in the public university “EMEF. Eloy Miranda “, located in the municipality of Fundão, in Espírito Santo, with students of 7th year, starting in 2010 and continuing in 2011. The objective was to provide students with experiences and recognition of teaching experience and environmental, to discuss the main points of fragility and potential, as well as forms of resistance taken today and everyday life of the subjects who followed and are still experiencing the causes of impacts of deforestation and improper land use. To perform the work developed a diagnostic social, cultural and environmental carried through a field study involving the town and village of Fundão Itaúnas being recorded conversations and interviews with locals in a Field Journal, contemplating in an interdisciplinary way. The teaching experience allowed students to meet in the Village of Itaúnas reflections of environmental disasters and reflect their current actions / attitudes to the environmental and social disasters of its municipality are minimized, besides providing interaction with popular wisdom, exploring the sensitivity of direct contact of students and experience a new culture, history and knowledge built up over the years. And due to the importance of mainstreaming knowledge, currently inserted in Political Pedagogical School Project.


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Author Biography

Rosiane Lima Demoner, Faculdades Intergradas de Aracruz, Aracruz, ES

Graduada em licenciatura plena em Ciências Biológicas (ESFA) e Pedagogia (CESA); Especialista em Gestão Ambiental e Educação Ambiental (FIJ); Mestranda Profissional em Tecnologia Ambiental (FAACZ); Pos-graduanda "Lato Sensu" em Informática na Educação (IFES - UAB). Professora de Ciências e Mediadora de Informática Educacional na rede municipal de ensino.


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How to Cite

Demoner, R. L. (2013). Environmental experiences of an interdisciplinary pedagogical practice in Vila of Itaúnas Conceição da Barra, ES. Monografias Ambientais, 12(12), 2785–2788. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613087767