Green cities: an analysis of the Urban Arborization Master Plan of the municipality of Salvador (BA)
Urban afforestation, Green areas, PDAU, Law 9, 187 / 2017, Public managementAbstract
The act of foresting cities is essential for the dynamics in urban areas, whether from the functional point of view, biodiversity or the impact on the quality of life of the populations. As described by science, the act of afforesting urban areas results in a series of benefits: climatic and environmental comfort, recovery of local fauna and flora, improvement of the visual and landscape impact or even to regulate the urban microclimate. This study aimed to analyze the challenges, perspectives and possibilities of urban afforestation in the city of Salvador (BA), after the approval of the Urban Afforestation Master Plan (PDAU). The methodological steps consisted of bibliographic and documentary research, which included the analysis of the PDAU, implemented by Law No. 9,187 / 2017, and data collection from secondary research sources such as laws, articles, journals and reports. According to surveys carried out in the IBGE database, we observed that the municipality of Salvador occupies the penultimate position in the urban afforestation indexes among the capitals of the Northeast, second only to the municipality of São Luís (MA). From the approval of the PDAU as a legal instrument, we concluded that its implementation is essential for better municipal management, which should guide, based on established technical criteria, the planning of the city's green areas, in addition to offering a better quality of life for the population and favor the maintenance of local biodiversity.Downloads
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