A utilização do conhecimento de plantas medicinais como ferramenta para estimular a preservação ambiental
Environmental Education, Medicinal Plants, CultureAbstract
This work has the objective of identifying the level of knowledge about medicinal plants in theschool community where is inserted the municipal elementary school Aldo Porto dos Santos and itrelationship with Environmental Education, turning that information into a tool of introduction toEnvironmental Education. For that, was covered the origin of phytotherapy, the history of therelationship of the people with the plants since the prehistoric times until the present, theproprieties of the medicinal herbs, ways for better utilize their proprieties and the cares that mustbe taken during the usage of them. To realize the first stage of this work it was applied aquantitative research through a questionnaire which was answered by one hundred and elevenpeople. In the second stage of the project it was labored the “clock of medicinal plants” which wasattended by the 6th grade class composed of twenty students counting with the collaboration ofthe scholar community which helped in obtaining the established species of plants. Evaluating theresults of the project and comparing with the proposed objective it was possible to note that inthe said school community there is a reasonable knowledge of the medicinal plants and that the used plants are cultivated in their own yards of their homes following the local culture. Concludesin this way that there are several methods to achieve the objectives related to the development ofthe Environmental Education, but this action have better result when it’s supported in thecommon interests of the group and in the knowledge and cultural experience that already exists.
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