The use of technology, workshops and interdisciplinary journeys to develop meaningful learning in environmental education: an act of citizenship
Teaching, Interdisciplinarity, Journeys, Environmental, LearningAbstract
More than just content transfer is needed, as Paulo Freire argues, autonomy is needed, our students need to face their learning process with a mediating teacher. Possible solution to this problem, the projects, interdisciplinary journeys help in the integral development of knowledge, through the resolution of real problem situations, enriching the learning, the technological resources combined with these, brings the student closer to the teacher, leading to meaningful learning. It is the function of the school, to generate learning, as well as the competences and skills necessary for living in society. Environmental Education is paramount in schools, it is through it that our students develop a social engagement with actions and attitudes that aim to guarantee the quality of life of our future generations. To this end, the research problem in this article focuses on answering how workshops, interdisciplinary days and technology contribute to the formation of meaningful learning in environmental education. The general objective being to carry out studies on interdisciplinary projects, workshops, the use of technology in education and their contributions to learning, developing critical awareness in elementary school students, adopting a respectful and appreciative attitude on environmental issues. The methodology of this article was developed through bibliographic research.
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