Preservação das águas no meio rural e utilização de recursos didáticos para sensibilização ambiental: uma proposta para educadores ambientais
Sanitation, Drinking water, Half rural, Puppet theaterAbstract
One of the main problems faced for the Brazilian population is the sanitation lack and ofcares with the quality of waters, mainly in the agricultural way, where systematic and permanentcontrol of the quality of the water offered to the population does not exist and, pparently, it onlyexists taken of attitude when it appears some problem of health in the community. The increaseof the ambient pollution caused by the new prompt and diffuse sources of pollution generates thenecessity of a more efficient control of this quality, producing half for the fulfilment of Portaria518/04 of the Health department and respecting the constitucional law to the adequate watersupplying. This work demonstrates to the existing situation in agricultural communities of the cityof Ângelo Saint, denoting lack of care in the implantation of the wells and problems ofmaintenance of the alternative system of supplying. Environmental education becomes a way oftraining knowledge in these areas in relation to environmental problems, care, rights and duties that must be primarily for the preservation of water, making it much more pleasing to look atchildren through recreational activities such as music, cartoons and puppet theater.
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