Environmental impacts caused by mining: an analysis of the perception of small miningers of the municipality of Frei Martinho - PB
Environmental impacts, Miner Perception, Small Mining EnterprisesAbstract
Mining is an activity that generates jobs and income for many communities around the world. However, there are problems directly associated with the practice of this practice, among them is the degradation of the environment, where unplanned excavations can alter several terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Knowing this, the objective of this work to gather information from the miners of the Municipality of Frei Martinho, Paraíba, about the different perceptions they have about the environmental impacts caused by mining. In this way, we interviewed a number of twenty miners who are involved in mining activities at the Timbaúba and Quixaba Sites, located in the Municipality of Frei Martinho. For the interviews, a form was used that presented questions directly related to the perception of the miners about the negative effects that the exploitation of ores exerts on the environment. The responses attributed by the miners were analyzed quantitatively. From the data collected, it was possible to observe that many of the miners are unaware of some relevant points regarding the damage that mining can cause to the environment. Thus, it is necessary to hold lectures and other means of awareness by the companies and cooperatives responsible for mining in the municipality of Frei Martinho.Downloads
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