A water crisis in Sambito Valley: a perspective of social and environmental development
Water crisis, Socioeconomic development, SocioenvironmentalAbstract
The water crisis in Piaui is one of the factors that most punish the region, affecting several spheres, such as social and economic. Most of the state reservoirs are shallow and in summer times they become water critical, exposing the inhabitants to critical subsistence situations. Hydrogeological studies, however, reveal that Piauí is located on the basin of the largest underground water power in the northeast. This paper aims to analyze the relations that are established in society about the issues of environmental properties related to water resources and their preservation to understand the phenomenon of regional water crisis, for such. The study revealed that climate factors have less influence than political and socio-environmental factors, the population is in need of information regardless of their social status and access to education, while the government in its various spheres is little or not mobilized. Thus, it is expected that with the present work, the scientific, social and political community will awaken to articulate and introduce new habits and practices of resource consumption and their preservation, providing access to the basics of a decent life.
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