Modeling and simulation of hydrological data at Ibicuí da Armada River Basin
Hydrologic models, WIN_IPH2, Flow simulationAbstract
The use of hydrological models is widely used for information purposes of flow regimes in watersheds and to support when failures occur in measurements. This study aimed to calibrate a hydrologic model at Ibicuí da Armada watershed on southwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, in order to simulate their regime of daily flows for a period of 250 days ahead. Were used the WIN_IPH2 software for the simulation, adjusting optimization parameters through automatic calibration tests by objective functions, and subsequently checking it’s fit. The daily series were acquired from the database provided by Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) and the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). The objective function that showed the best fit between the sample series was Mean Absolute Deviation function (MAR), proving to be the best to represent the Q90 and Q95. The employment created by WIN_IPH2 software combined with information constraints of flow regimes were quite useful for use in situations that require knowledge of water availability, thus contributing to the improvement of the management actions of water resources.
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