The importance of experimentation in the teaching of sciences to elementary school
Problematization, Education, PracticeAbstract
The experimentation (especially the communicative one) is an important contributing factor for the interest and meaningful learning of science. Therefore, this study recognizes the importance of inserting experimentation in a problematical way in science education at the elementary school, as well as perform a review on the subject using articles, laws, and national programs and parameters, as well as these resources relate to the Textbook and basic Education regarding to experimentation. Thereby, it has been shown that the teaching of science in schools has had the role of reproducing undisputed pieces of information, thus experimentation has not been applied in a way in which students would be able to build their knowledge along with the teacher. It is needed a change by everyone, so that schools may receive fund and teacher training processes would prepare teachers to introduce the experimentation in a better way to students.
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