Sustainable destination of organic solid waste at restaurant inside school: an implementation proposal
Orange waste, Cleaner production, The food production sectorAbstract
The object of this study is to quantify the orange generated waste in restaurant school offering an environmentally correct destination. With the specific objective of proposing the reuse of waste in cattle feed of the institution University farm. A descriptive field research orange waste management was made. The research was performed in two stages: first characterized the establishment of restoration; and in a second time characterized a recovery proposal of waste in cattle feed. In the week of the study the restaurant served 3,219 people, producing 203,47kg of orange peel, which went straight to the landfill for the city. It is inferred that the restaurant discards annually in landfill almost a ton of appropriate orange waste recovery. The Institution farm has 176 acres and has 632 cattle, 65 of milk and 567 cut. Orange residues in natura generated restaurants can have a sustainable destination to be availed at nearby farms being incorporated into cattle feed. The restaurant was receptive, attentive and participative in the implementation of this project, the problem of waste exposure, and the proposed sustainability and the desire to deploy them, with rare exceptions.Downloads
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