Analysis of the drinkability of water from natural sources, by the municipality of Fraiburgo-SC
Sources, Physico chemical microbiological, Environmental educationAbstract
This work was performed research and analysis of natural sources located in urban and rural Fraiburgo - SC, in order to characterize its drinkability as the parameters established in environmental legislation. The sources were divided into: (1 source) João Maria Grotto, (source 2) Grotto NossaSenhora de Fatima and (source 3) GrottoNossaSenhora de Lourdes, which passed through collections and the following parameters: total coliforms, fecal coliforms, acetate, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrite, sulfate, lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, color, turbidity, pH, calcium hardness, toughness magnesium, total hardness. The analysis of the sources with color parameters and nitrate was no change in nitrite in 3 sources (source 3), total and fecal coliforms which do not adapt according to CONAMA Resolution 357/2005, Ordinance No. 2914 of the Ministry of Health parameters pH, turbidity, total hardness, sulphate, lithium, sodium, all sources agree with CONAMA Resolution 357/2005, Ordinance No. 2914 of the Ministry of Health for water class 3 parameter in nitrite (source 1) and (source 2) is consistent. We conclude, therefore, that the sources of Fraiburgo - SC are polluted. A plan backed Environmental Education in Law Nº. 9795 of 27 April 1999 will be applied in order to warn about major diseases that may indicate cholera, hepatitis, diarrhea and worms.Downloads
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