Fuzzy Logic and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) applied to zoning of areas susceptible to landslides: a review
Natural disasters, Environment, Environmental impact, Landslide mappingAbstract
The action of man over nature has been highlighted in recent decades. Due to this action, many impacts on the environment are observed, mainly arising from population growth and irregular occupation of areas, ranging from those related to basic sanitation by the natural disasters. In this sense, this paper aims to present an overview of the use of Fuzzy Logic and the Analytic Hierarchy Process – AHP for zoning areas susceptible to landslides. In this overview we describe the two tools are presented the main works in Brazil and abroad and the definition of terms. These tools are demonstrated efficient and useful methodological point of view, since several studies have demonstrated its effectiveness, with the focus on Fuzzy Weighted Average AHP and Gamma operators, beyond the specific efficiency in the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process – AHP with designed to address the inherent uncertainty of the empirical use of expert knowledge.Downloads
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