Solid waste as a tool of environmental education for Groups of Reference Service Center Projovem Social a Place In The Sun
ProJovem, Composting, SustainabilityAbstract
This monograph was developed by the Social Assistance Reference Center -CRAS A Place in the Sun, owned by the Department of Social Development of Alta Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul CRAS A Place in the Sun is located on the east side of the City, Spring in the Garden District II. The target audience of this study were young people belonging to the Group of ProJovem said Adolescent CRAS, aged 15 to 17 years, students of the School Maria Bandarra Westphalen, the same neighborhood. The attitude of young people was evaluated for the environment and insentivado to change habits and practices that promote consumer awareness and proper disposal of household wastes. For both young people organized themselves into groups and performed the experiment collection of organic waste from its own residênicas for four weeks, observing the weight of the waste and making the appointment of the whole process of decomposition thereof for the preparation of compost. The notes made by the groups at the end of the work was discussed by all with positive results in relation to the interest in the use of household waste as compost. Within the context of social assistance environment to the different ways that users of public policy experience in their work in the family, community, in their daily struggles for housing, for health, for public welfare, citizenship and environmental issues Environmental Education may also serve as a mediator between the social and the ecological, between citizens and society, as the expansion and consolidation of citizenship are principles that guarantee civil, social or political. The health and well being of the population depend on the quality of the environment where it is inserted, and can be instrumental in building a more just and sustainable society.
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