Environmental perception of students from 6th grade in public schools
Environmental education, Arts education, TheaterAbstract
Environmental education is related to awareness of issues concerning the environment, conservation and preservation, and must be worked with children of any age group. The aim of this study was to work thematic of environmental education and foster in students a sense of responsibility to the environment in the 6th year students three public schools of Alta Floresta / MT, through art education through the use of theater, lectures and workshops. A questionnaire with questions about the environment was applied, and recycling bins in two periods: before and after the completion of the activities to verify the assimilation of the themes worked. Were analyzed in 174 pre-test questionnaires and post-test 157, most students have age of 11 years, with a predominance of boys. The activities were significant since there was a change in the perception of students in most of the analyzed issues. We conclude that the art education activities can be used as pedagogical intervention in the classrooms of elementary school to work issues of environmental education, as they are important for the construction of knowledge and awareness of students.Downloads
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