The waste industry: overview of cooperatives recycling and waste pickers in the Rio de Janeiro state
Cooperative recycling, Waste pickers, Sustainable development, Sustainability managementAbstract
The urbanization and the development of the Brazilian economy have not been sufficient to absorb and hold the formal labor market a significant portion of the population. The social crisis has led many people to seek in order to survive scavenging of waste. This paper has the objective to draw an overview of cooperatives recycling and waste pickers based in concepts of sustainability and sustainable development. It subsidizes a reflection on the importance of these organizations and their professionals. That research shows that the Metropolitan region is the one that focuses more cooperatives and collectors in the State. However, it is the South region where collectors get biggest monthly gains. Most collectors are men aged 25-45 years and with the elementary school. The professionals recognize that contribute to environmental problems of society and find the pick waste activity a way to reintegrate into society. These results should be used to stimulate reflections, broaden the discussion and move from public managers actions aimed at improving the working conditions of these professionals, who are key human resources for sustainability management, minimizing health risks and reduce losses causing said material to the environment.Downloads
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