Teaching science: a focus on environment and energy
Renewable energies, Manufacture of soap, Recycled paperAbstract
Contemporary society sought comfort with their daily activities without worrying too with the way that this is achieved. This seeking, with the passage of time has caused crises, such as the energy. Moreover, the environment suffers constant damage with lack o f perception of the population, initially in the improper disposal of products and the overuse of others. With this Environmental Education emerges as an attempt to raise awareness about these issues enabling the population a way to form an opinion on the most critical environmental issues. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop different theoretical and practical activities in order to approach the students of environmental issues. The activities took place in the form of weekly meetings with students in which we adopted the methodological plurality to work with the themes. With this we can say that yes there is a certain awareness, not by all students, but mostly about the importance of the environment and its conservation.Downloads
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