Aplicação do método do custo de reposição (mcr) para valoração do meio ambiente: o caso do Parque Cesamar, Palmas – TO
Cesamar Park, Replacement Cost Method, Environmental valuationAbstract
This study aims to estimate the economic value of Cesamar Park in Palmas – TO, using the Replacement Cost (MRC) method. The study was based on the lake’s park dredging cost and the recovery of the main sediment sources. Thus, it was identified the use and occupation of land in the Permanent Preservation Areas of Brejo Comprido and its tributaries, located upstream the lake, determining their degraded portion liable to recovery; morphometry and recovering techniques of gully located upstream the lake; and the cost of dredging the silted mineral aggregated. After pricing of recovery services, we obtained the total amount of R$ 4,748,949.84, indicating the need to redirect public policies in favor of preventive maintenance measures, instead of corrective and emergency measures.Downloads
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