Analysis of absolute separator system within the rainwater drainage of Campina Grande city - Case study of the Piabas Canal
Absolute separator system, Urban rainwater drainage, Epidemiological and environmental risksAbstract
The city of Campina Grande has presented serious problems of water logging and flooding during the rainy season, generated by a deficiency in the management of the absolute separation system adopted, as well as the poor investment in the sanitation sector, contributing to the existence of epidemiological and environmental risks. This study aimed to analyze the absolute separation system in the context of rainwater drainage of Campina Grande, based on the case study of the canal of Piabas. Along the canal five sample points were selected to evaluate the behavior of the water quality. The indicators of water quality adopted in this work were turbidity, TSS, BOD, COD, DO and CTT, in order to identify the existence of contamination by sewage. Evaluating the results of the indicators analyzed was observed that all points were contaminated by sewage, and the point P1 which is less polluted, evidencing the occurrence of sewage contribution along the canal. It was concluded that water of canal of Piabas characterized as weak domestic sewage, thereby showing that the system adopted does not work as an absolute separator, exposing the population to epidemiological risks, and affecting the quality of receiving bodies.Downloads
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