Feasibility study of the use of liquid waste in the cultivation of microalgae Chlorella sp aimed at producing biofuels
Biofuels, Microalgae, Vinasse, GlycerinAbstract
The world is experiencing a global double crisis due to excessive use of fossil fuels and their harmful effects on the environment. Therefore, it is essential to obtain renewable energy sources. Thus arise the microalgae as an attractive option for renewable energy generation, as some species of microalgae contain lipids and carbohydrates that can be extracted for biofuel production. Microalgae also contribute to reducing the inappropriate release of wastewater, because they can be grown in culture media containing wastewater, reducing the pollution effect of the liquid waste. This work studied the cell growth of microalgae Chlorella sp in mixotróficos crops, through the addition of wastewater to the culture medium Bold’s Basal Medium. First glycerin used to culture medium in different ratios (2%, 4% and 10%), the results were not satisfactory for the development of microalgae studied, making it impossible to use glycerin for the cultivation of Chlorella sp. The second step consisted of supplementation of vinasse to the medium at different concentrations (10%, 15%, 20% and 25%), the results were satisfactory, since the slop had nutritional characteristics for the growth of microalgae. The proportion of vinasse that better growth was obtained with supplementation of 10% where found excellent adaptation of the cells to the new composition of the culture medium. With vinasse at levels greater than 10% in half, noted greater difficulty in cell growth due to excessive suspended material present in the vinasse favoring the drag of microalgae. Therefore, the results obtained from the use of vinasse concluded that its use is feasible for the cultivation of Chlorella sp, besides favoring a suitable destination for the liquid residue of sugarcane industries, also promotes the development of microalgae, enabling generation of new sustainable sources of renewable energy.
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