Evaluation of Thermal Performance and Energy Efficiency in Housing in Residential Condominium from Cuiabá/MT
RTQ-R, Calibration, EnergyPlusAbstract
This article determines the level of thermal performance and energy efficiency of a Cuiabá/MT housing of a residential condominium, located in a region in urban evolution. The study building has 57m ² and consists of walls of precast panels, slab subfloor on grounded soil liner and cover slab of metal frame with ceramic tiles. Measurement periods were 06/28/13 to 07/12/13 (hot dry) and from 12/30/13 to 01/14/14 (hot and humid). To record external and internal data, micrometeorological station and sets HOBO U12-012 with TMC20HD cable and sphere were used. For the evaluation of the thermal performance and energy efficiency was considered the methods of measurement and simplified by NBR15575 and the simulation method by RTQ -R. The EnergyPlus (8.1.0) was used for the thermal energy simulations. The living room has the worst performance and the double room the best. By the measurement method yielded higher levels for the bedroom and home office and intermediary for the living room. The simplified method, the walls had minimum coverage and didn’t meet the criteria. The building got C-level for energy efficiency.Downloads
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