Fluvio-morphology and dynamic characterization of the landscape of Santana River sub-basin – Rio Pardo de Minas/MG
River basin, Morphometry, Soil use and occupationAbstract
The morphometric characterisation of river basins must provide subsidies for the efficient management of natural resources. In this regard, the aim of this study was to evaluate the morphometric aspects and characterize the main uses and soil occupation on the sub-basin of Santana river in the municipality of Rio Pardo de Minas, north of Minas Gerais State. To obtain the objectives proposed altimetry data of sheet 15S435ZN from Topodata project was used and Landsat 8 satellite images with their respective bands and its compositions 4 (B), 5 (G) and 6 (R). For the mapping of the surface a supervised classifier was used, pixel to pixel Maximum Likelihood (MAXVER) with 99% of acceptance threshold, the following classes are defined; cultivation, riparian forest, grassland, vegetation and exposed.soil The results found on the morphometric aspects indicated that the sub-basin presents elongated shape, with coefficient of compactness of 1.93, form factor of 0.366, index of circularity of 0.262 and drainage density of 0.27 km/km². Among the classes greater representation for grazing areas (14,943 ha) and natural vegetation 27.30 can be verified. Thus, it was found that the sub-basin of Santana river is relatively preserved and with a lower threat of flooding under normal conditions of precipitation.Downloads
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