Learning and teaching through the use of recyclable materials in Childhood Education
Learning, Playful, Pedagogical practices, Environmental educationAbstract
This paper presents considerations about the pedagogical practices carried out with a class of Childhood Education in the public schools system in the city of Panambi (RS). The overall objective consisted in investigating, describing and analyzing the reflexive records about the playful activities developed in the Childhood Education, highlighting the importance of the interactions and entertainment to learning using pedagogic materials made from waste. The methodology used was the bibliographic research, of field and participating. To draw up this article we sought references on the theorists Wajskop (1995), Santos (2000), Pereira (2006; 2009), Freire (2002), Negrine (1994) and Kishimoto (1998, 2010), among other researchers in the area of solid waste.Downloads
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