
  • Larissa Azambuja Alcântara Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM



Water - Environmental Education - Vacacaí-Mirim.


Lack of awareness and awareness of the population and often the rulers and the conservation ofwater resources has provided constant debates on the issues of rational use this feature. Theweakening of global vision leads to decreased societal responsibility, where each citizen becomessolely responsible for their actions, breaking up their ties to humanity and thus unconcerned withthe welfare of all. To minimize environmental damage is the emergence of concepts, practices andtechniques that can provide a balanced interaction between society and the environment. Thiswork presents concepts of water management in basin committees related to environmentaleducation practices. The management of water resources has the intention to adjust humanactivities to avoid any degradation of the ecosystem, seeking to preserve it, by means of jointactions between society and government. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul was created a proposalfor Environmental Education Network of Basin Vacacaí-Mirim, who is based, communication andenvironmental education. The project seeks to raise awareness and awareness of society, therulers and also of the industrial production. Community participation is essential in the practice ofEnvironmental Education. It is necessary to expose different values, perceptions and habits, sothat the community understands clearly the importance of education practices. Methodologically,the project's Environmental Education Network part of the exhibition of current topics ofcommunity interest, focusing on awareness of natural resources. These data were collected inschools that are located in the Basin Vacacaí-Mirim, in the town of Santa Maria-RS. Among theproposed actions may be mentioned campaigns aimed at the industrial sector, through theimplementation of measures for pollution control, network monitoring water quality, with thesupport of municipalities and state agencies. Also, the promotion of training courses for teachersin environmental education, campaigns for the preservation and restoration of ecosystems,addressing the management of water, which allows a better understanding of student andenvironmental issues. Thus, with this project, the Environmental Education Network of BasinVacacaí-Mirim, we find a further discussion and presentation on key points about the awarenessof the environment, this occurs through the inclusion of environmental policies in schools . Theactivities presented proposals are still in progress, working in the school and community. And theycan be considered as a sum of ideas that link to and awareness of society in environmental issues.


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Author Biography

Larissa Azambuja Alcântara, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Mestranda em Engenharia Agrícola pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


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How to Cite

Alcântara, L. A. (2012). PRÁTICAS DE EDUCAÇÃO AMBIENTAL NA GESTÃO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 5(5), 741–748.

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