Assessment of urban environmental impacts: improper waste disposal and environmental awareness activity in Apodi city
Urban, Domestic Waste, Awareness, Environmental ImpactsAbstract
The emergence of new technologies results in the growth of industries and population growth in urban centers. Coupled to this growth comes the problem of waste, these that turned into serious urban problems, often with a costly and complex management. Due to the shortage of areas for disposal, waste is directly linked to the quality of life of a society. The amount of waste produced by a population depends on a number of factors such as income, time of year, way of life. Even considered a small town, Apodi presents a significant growth in its production of household waste, and there was a correct destination for them, comes a series of environmental problems such as: aesthetic, health and environment in the city. Discussions on this issue seeks to answer what the possible environmental impacts caused by these deficiencies household waste and environmental sanitation instruments in the affected population. However, this paper aims to propose awareness studies of environmental impacts arising from the incorrect disposal of household waste in the city of Apodi - RN, through research carried out and to identify the problems faced by the population of the city.Downloads
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