Accession assessment and acceptability of the School Feeding Program menus in municipal schools in Itapetinga - BA: food waste indicators
School feeding, Waste, Adherence, AcceptabilityAbstract
Studies on the waste of school meals has been reason for several investigations, considering that this might reflect in the planning, production process, distribution and nutritional adequacy of the menu offered to schools. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate food waste through the acceptance and the school feeding membership served in three public schools of elementary school II of municipal school system, located in the city of Itapetinga - BA. In this study we used meals served to 720 (seven hundred and twenty) students of both sexes and aged 10 to 17 years old, collected in two periods of the school lunch distribution (morning and afternoon snacks). Were evaluated thirty (30) meals per shift (60 students daily), totaling 240 meals served per school. Semi-structured questionnaires were used for the students. It was found that the acceptability of school meals was less than 85% limit established by brazilian law and that the school meals was not well accepted by the students, based on their preferences. ost of the students even enjoying the food preparations served in schools, does not have the custom of repeating the meal and rated as ideal attributes on the acceptance of meals (seasoning, served temperature and quantity). The three analyzed schools, two indices showed good adhesion (exceeding 80%) and only one was found to be low, adhesion index. Therefore, it is suggested to carry out studies exploring the correlation of factors such as the amount of power produced at school, age and sex.Downloads
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