Afforestation of diagnosis of the urban space of the city of João Pessoa, PB
João Pessoa, Tree plantation, Urban planningAbstract
This paper aimed to make a diagnosis of afforestation with different spatial characteristics of the city of Joao Pessoa, PB, intending to demonstrate that the possible differences in vegetation are due to different treatment of the urban expansion. From a literature review, mapping and demarcation of the area under study, systematic observation, tabulation and data control, photographic survey, analysis of maps and analysis of letters was possible to determine which is the actual number and distribution of green space and neighborhoods, evaluate and rank the areas in relation to the quantitative process of lower and higher vegetation cover and know the concentration of green areas in the study area. The conclusion is therefore that urban trees play an important set of functions responsible for improving the quality of the environment. Thus, a diagnosis of a greening of the city or sectors of the city can provide support for the structuring and maintenance, as well as for the public to evaluate the issue in different urban spaces. Joao Pessoa is located in the Zona da Mata of the State of Paraiba, and presents a framework that reflects social and environmental poverty, and lack of opportunities that affect the lives of people associated with urban sprawl, a degraded natural environment. With respect to seven smaller neighborhoods in the green area / population, the neighborhood of Staff is who makes the situation more critical, as in the seven largest districts in the green area / population Mussuré is what provides the best condition both in green, as the smallest population. On the other hand, Mangabeira same being among the top seven in green is the one with the largest decrease in green area of the city, where population growth is inversely proportional to the decrease of its green areas.Downloads
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