Sustainable entrepreneurship and new business models: a market research in Colombia


  • María Isabel Sanchez-Hernandez University of Extremadura
  • Elena Dorado-Mayorga National University of Costa Rica
  • Guillermo Alberto Pereira-Alvarez Colombian University Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Ubeimar Osorio-Atehortua Catholic University Luis Amigo
  • Sandra Malavera-Pineda Catholic University Luis Amigo
  • Jaime Alberto Montoya-Quintero Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid


Parole chiave:

Sustainability, entrepreneurship, business models, social innovation, Colombia


Purpose –The aim of this work is to approach the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship from a theoretical and a practical point of view, paying attention to new business models that are emerging around the world for social innovation. In this context, we focus the attention on the business model called one-for-one and we wonder whether the Colombian market should be a good option for developing this business model.

Design/methodology/approach – To test the viability of the business model one-for-one we conducted a market research in March 2019, with a sample of students from two higher education institutions in the city of Medellin (Colombia).

Findings – The results of the empirical research show the positive moral attitude of Colombian to solve social problems, but also the market immaturity because of the relative low purchase intentions found in Colombian potential consumers.

Research limitations/implications– Not exempt from criticism, this work defends innovative business models standing for a business driven concept of sustainability which focusses on increasing both economic as well as social value.

Practical implications – The model of donating one item to someone in need, for each item purchased, could be considered in the future a viable option for developing business models in Colombia.

Social implications – Nowadays and more than never before, society requires that the actions of companies are aimed at contributing to social development and environmental sustainability, as well as economic viability. Companies oriented towards present and future sustainability in the decision making of purchase or investment will be an important source of competitive advantages in the near future.

Originality/value – Although the study of sustainable entrepreneurship is still in very early stages in Latin American countries, this work shed light on the topic analyzing the business model one-for-one as a potential mean to foster a transition towards more sustainable societies.


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Biografie autore

María Isabel Sanchez-Hernandez, University of Extremadura

M. Isabel nchez-Hernández, from the University of Extremadura in Spain,  is a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Business Management and Sociology at the School of Economics and Business Administration. She is an Economist specialized in Human Resources, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. Ph.D. in Business Administration (University of Extremadura, Spain), MSc in Economics (University of Aberdeen, UK), MBA in Organization and Human Resources Management (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain). Her research interests range across several key areas within Applied Economics and Business Organization. She has wide professional experience in international context and is former member of the Advisory Committee of Science and Technology of the Government of Extremadura (Junta de Extremadura). She has published in various peer reviewed journals, books, international conferences proceedings and monographs. She has also held lectureships and collaborated as research fellow at a wide varie­ty of academic institutions such as The Doughty Center for Corporate Social Responsibility in UK or the Water Institute in South Africa. Used to work in international and multidisciplinary contexts, she speaks fluent Spanish, English, French and Portuguese and has extensive academic and professional experience in mana­gement and international relations. She has contributed to the training of entrepre­neurs and is involved in various innovative research projects aiming to foster leadership and the culture of entrepreneurship in society. 

Elena Dorado-Mayorga, National University of Costa Rica

Elena Dorado-Mayorga, from the National University of Costa Rica, has a Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation from the University of Salamanca, Spain, and a Bachelor of Business Administration with an emphasis on Marketing from the University of las Americas, Costa Rica. She is working, at present, on her dissertation to obtain a Master’s Degree in Project Management from the Central American Institute of Public Administration. She is a professor at the National University of Costa Rica, Campus Liberia, where she teaches courses in Administration, Tourism and International Commerce. Professor Dorado has been in charge of the coordination and execution of extension and research projects in the Chorotega Region, and since 2012 the coordination of the Business Management Degree in Sustainable Tourism. She has been a member of the academic program, UNA “Emprendedores”, since 2009. Besides, professor Dorado has been a presenter at conferences in Costa Rica, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil and Nicaragua, on numerous topics as entrepreneurship, tourism and environmental education, and has co-authored books on tourism.

Guillermo Alberto Pereira-Alvarez, Colombian University Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Guillermo Alberto Pereira Álvarez, University Professor at the Colombian University Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid of Medellín Colombia and the Pontifical Bolivarian University, Industrial Technologist of the Colombian Polytechnic JIC, Industrial Engineer of the University of Antioquia, Specialization in Management of the Colombian Polytechnic JIC, Master in Teaching Education of the University of Manizales (Colombia), with more than twenty years of experience in the industrial sector in the areas of production, quality and standard engineering, planning, logistics, advisor of works of degree and peer evaluator of projects, member of the Luis Amigo network of Social Innovation Rais, member of the Association for Training, Research and Development of Entrepreneurship (AFIDE), member of the International Corporation for Research and Development in innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (CiiDiES). Participant as a speaker at international events on topics of entrepreneurship, quality, productivity and engineering, he has also been a business advisor on projects to improve business productivity and teaching at the Metropolitan Technological Institute of Medellin (ITM).

Ubeimar Osorio-Atehortua, Catholic University Luis Amigo

Ubeimar Osorio-Atehortúa, lecturer and researcher from the Catholic University Luis Amigó in Colombia and also at the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid. He is an industrial engineer and MBA, Manager of the Amigoniana Network for Social Innovation (RAIS), President of the International Corporation of Research and Development in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (CIIDIES).

Sandra Malavera-Pineda, Catholic University Luis Amigo

Sandra M. Malavera-Pineda, from the Catholic University Luis Amigó in Colombia. She is Magister in Marketing Management, with specialization in Senior Management, to practice in private and official companies, with solid academic and research training and with experience in teaching in the areas of Administration, Marketing and Technology, research and implementation of Tics applied to the business sector and information systems education, especially in the virtualization of environments and e-commerce. Thematic Expert, building modules. Expert in implementation of virtual platforms and creator of virtual learning objects. She has offered training in instructional design and have been virtual tutor.

Jaime Alberto Montoya-Quintero, Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Jaime Alberto Montoya-Quintero,  Lecturer and researcher at the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid. Specialised in Management Administration at the University Benito Juárez México, he is Master in Organizational Industrial Psychology by the Inter American University, teacher in postgraduate and undergraduate level, with more than fifteen years of experience in the management of personnel in international companies such as OFFICE MAX or TRICOM International, among others and writer and international speaker on human talent issues and labour skills.

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Come citare

Sanchez-Hernandez, M. I., Dorado-Mayorga, E., Pereira-Alvarez, G. A., Osorio-Atehortua, U., Malavera-Pineda, S., & Montoya-Quintero, J. A. (2020). Sustainable entrepreneurship and new business models: a market research in Colombia. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 13(4), 875–894.


