Knowledge Management on the implementation of a CRM Project: A Case Study
Companies face high market demand and to remain competitive they need to invest in the relationship with their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implies not only a new use of a tool but also a changing of its strategical approach to the market. As seen in previous studies, CRM projects are very likely to fail, however, actions can be taken to help overcome these problems, such as proper knowledge management integration. With this study we are able to answer the following research question: how the company can use knowledge management in a CRM project adoption? In order to answer this question, after a literature review, a case study was conducted. Data collection was carried out through direct observation in the company, with the analysis of documents, and interviews. We can observe that there are a set of knowledge management activities that can help the adoption of CRM projects, even if there is no formal policy for knowledge management in the group or for this specific project. Knowledge sharing is seen as an enabler of better results for CRM projects.
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