Finding value in waste: Circular Economy Initiatives in NGOs in Brazil and Togo to reduce food wast




Circular economy, Food waste, Non-governmental organizations, Food security, Upcycling


Objective: Food waste can be repurposed through methods such as composting, reverse logistics, and anaerobic digestion using Circular Economy (CE) techniques. This study aims to analyze the application of Circular Economy by NGOs in Brazil (Ecozinha) and Togo (ENPRO) to address food waste.

Methodology: This research was a collaborative effort. Data was analyzed using the ReSOLVE framework through Document analysis and questionnaires. Four managers, two from each country, played a crucial role in completing the questionnaires (Google Forms), making them an integral part of this study.

Results: Both NGOs employ innovative regenerative approaches, converting waste into compost to enhance soil and food production. Ecozinha (Brazil) is an intermediary for proper waste disposal, while ENPRO (Togo) collects and transforms organic waste into value-added products. Ecozinha aids establishments in waste management, promoting the Circular Economy. ENPRO enhances sanitation by valuing waste. Both NGOs use composting to close the material cycle, sharing compost with farmers.

Theoretical implications: Applying a theoretical framework to an empirical case uncovers new avenues for research. Further exploration is recommended to create more resilient, fair, and adequate food systems.

Practical implications: By identifying opportunities and barriers and developing a framework illustrating collaborative relationships, this research provides valuable insights for producers, entrepreneurs, and government decision-making.

Originality: This study fills a significant gap in the literature. No studies have addressed the valorization and transformation of food waste by non-governmental organizations in developing countries, making this research a novel and significant contribution to the field.


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Author Biographies

Omar Ouro-Salim, Universidade de Brasília

 Ph.D. in Management at University of Brasilia (UnB)

Jorge Alfredo Cerqueira Streit, Centro Universitário Alves Faria

Post-doctoral researcher at the Getulio Vargas Foundation Innovation Centre – Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV – EAESP).

Ayawovi Djidjogbe Fanho, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Ph.D. Candidate in Rural development at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


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How to Cite

Ouro-Salim, O., Streit, J. A. C., & Fanho, A. D. (2024). Finding value in waste: Circular Economy Initiatives in NGOs in Brazil and Togo to reduce food wast. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 17(spe. 1), e10 .

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