Paper cabinets: an analysis of the implementation of municipal integrated management offices in municipalities with units of the 12th Military Firefighters Battalion – Ijuí
Gestão. Municipal. Segurança. Interlocução. Cidadania.Abstract
Purpose – The purpose of this article is to analyze how the installation of these offices is in the eight municipalities with units of the 12th Military Fire Brigade (12º BBM).
Design/methodology/approach – This study had an exploratory character. Data collection took place through structured interviews with a total of eight interviews carried out with the Secretaries of Administration of the prefectures, one for each municipality with units of the 12th Military Fire Brigade (12º BBM).
Findings – It was observed that, despite the positive impact generated in local public security, only the municipality of Panambi has the GGIM in operation, however, it only conducts meetings of the Plenary, with partial installation, reducing the positive impact on public safety local. It became clear that municipalities ignore its importance for the promotion of local public safety by creating GGIMs only on paper.
Research limitations/implications – Do not realize interviews with those responsible for the creation of the offices is a limiting factor of the research, as well as the short time of operation of the GGIM’s to carry out a comparative analysis of crime rates.
Originality/value – It highlights the importance and potential of the Municipal Integrated Management Offices for the transformation of the local scenario, while providing a channel for dialogue between the actors involved and for the establishment of joint and planned solutions to the problems faced within the scope of Public Security.
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