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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is original and unpublished, not under review for publication by another journal, and not to be submitted to other journals while under review. If the article has been submitted to another journal, the author should indicate it in the comments to the editor.

  • Files for submission must be sent in Microsoft Word (*.doc) format. (since we don't ultrapass 2MB)

  • The text follows the APA rules - 7th edition.

  • The text follows the standards of style and bibliographic requirements outlined in Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.

  • The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, guaranteeing in this way the confidentiality criteria, if submitted for peer review (e.g. articles), as per available in ensuring Blind peer review.

  • At the time of submission, all requested documents must be sent, including the Biography and Contribution of the Authors..

  • The paper is in the English language and the authors undertake to send the final version of the manuscript, duly translated and revised into English if accepted.

  • All authors of the manuscript must be registered in the Journal's System, following the submission instructions.
  • * The figures and tables are inserted in the text (and not at the end of the document), in addition to being sent in a complementary file, as follows:
    a) FIGURES: with a resolution of at least 300 dpi - JPEG format;
    b) TABLES: spreadsheet format.

Author Guidelines


The text and format of the instructions are flexible and can vary according to the journal or subject area. However, the following elements must be covered:


Technical standards for the publication of scientific articles:


ReA/UFSM accepts original articles written in American or British English, but not a mixture of the two, and recommends that the text be translated by a professional or specialized company that issues a certificate. For recommendations on language editing services, please contact us by email at


CITATIONS AND REFERENCING STYLE In-text citations and the reference list must adhere to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Manuscripts that do not follow the required APA style will be rejected directly by the editors. For more information on APA 7 style, see:

For citations, the APA standard - 7th edition considers the variation from one to five authors, or more, also including institutions, with emphasis on the 1st time a given citation occurs and subsequent citations related to the same author or institution and the same year. The et al. is only used for subsequent citations within the text.

Examples of quotes can be found at:


  1. Technical characteristics:

- The accepted text editor is Word (*.doc);

- Font: Arial or Open Sans, size 12, with the exception of figures and tables, which should be in size 10.


  1. Specific characteristics:


2.1 The first page of the file must contain:


(a) thematic area according to CNPQ classification (Area - Applied Social Sciences; Specialties - Administration)

(b) title of the article (in English and Portuguese)

(c) structured abstract in English and Portuguese (of no more than 250 words according to the topics below)

Purpose (mandatory)

Design/methodology/approach (mandatory)

Findings (mandatory)

Research limitations/implications (if applicable)

Practical implications (if applicable)

Social implications (if applicable)

Originality/value (required)

Keywords (authors must provide short, appropriate keywords that cover the main topics of the article. The maximum number of keywords is 5).

Structured abstract


2.2 The content of the articles should, whenever possible, present:

(a) objectives;

(b) literature review;

(c) methodology;

(d) results and conclusions;

(e) limitations;

(f) study recommendations;

(g) bibliographical references.


2.3 Figures and tables must be inserted in the text (not at the end of the document) and sent in a supplementary file, as follows:

  1. a) FIGURES: with a resolution of at least 300 dpi - JPEG format;
  2. b) TABLES: spreadsheet format (editable).


2.4 The bibliographical references must be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the article, in accordance with APA standards - 7th edition.

Examples of references are available at:


2.5 A maximum of five (5) authors are allowed per article. Author contributions must comply with the CRediT taxonomy (Author Contributions Taxonomy), which is a high-level taxonomy that includes 14 roles that can be used to represent the roles normally played by contributors to academic and scientific production. The roles describe each author's specific and individual contributions to academic and scientific research.


Taxonomy provides a way of representing information about the individual contributions of authors. Its purpose is to provide transparency regarding authors' contributions to scientific work, enabling improvements in attribution, credit, and accountability systems. It is important to note that more than one term can be attributed to a single contributor.





The idea, formulation or evolution of the overarching objectives.

Data curation

Administration of activities to annotate (produce metadata), cleanse data and maintain research data (including software code, when necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use or later reuse.

Formal Analysis

Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize the study data.

Obtaining financing

Obtaining financial support for the project that gave rise to the publication.


Conducting research and the investigation process, specifically doing experiments or collecting data/evidence.


Development or creation of the methodology: creation of the models.

Project management

Responsibility for managing and coordinating the planning and execution of research.


Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources or other analysis tools.


Programming, software development, creating computer programs, implementing codes and algorithms, testing existing code components.


Responsibility for supervision and leadership for the planning and execution of research activity, including external guidance to the core team.


Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the replicability/reproducibility of the results/experiments and other research results.

Visualization [of data (infographic, flowchart, table, graph)]

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically data visualization/presentation.

Writing - first essay

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the writing of the first essay (including substantial translations).

Writing - proofreading and editing

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, by those who are part of the original research group, especially critical review, comments or revision, including pre- or post-publication processes.


Authors' biographies and contributions


2.6 Articles cannot be longer than 25 pages, including the figures and bibliographical references.


2.7 Entries must be submitted in English.


2.8 Authors are REQUIRED to provide a file containing biographies of all contributing authors in both Portuguese and English. This file should include the ORCID, name, degree, institutional affiliation, city/country of origin, and email address.


2.9 Articles must be unpublished, either in Brazil or any other country. Inclusion of parts or a preliminary version of the work in the proceedings of scientific events will not be considered a violation of this unpublished status.


2.10 By submitting an article, the authors affirm that it does not violate any copyrights or other third-party rights and accept full responsibility for its content. ReA-UFSM employs the Turnitin tool to prevent academic and professional plagiarism and to verify the originality of both submitted and published work. Detected plagiarism will result in the article being removed from the submission process and the authors being barred from submitting new articles to the journal for three years.


2.11 ReA/UFSM is aligned with Open Science practices:

- It accepts submissions of manuscripts previously deposited on preprint servers, provided they are hosted on reliable platforms such as SciELO Preprints, SSRN, and OSF.

- It requires the citation and referencing of data, program codes, and other underpinning content of articles. It is recommended that cited content be made available for open access.

- It offers options for making the peer review process transparent.

To comply, the corresponding author must indicate the alignment of their research with open science practices through the Open Science Compliance Form, which should be submitted as a supplementary file along with the manuscript.


2.12 Copyright and Licensing: Authors retain the copyright of articles published by ReA/UFSM, licensing them under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0). This allows for extensive reuse and distribution of the articles, provided the original work is properly cited.


Note: Any situations not addressed by these rules will be resolved by the Editor of ReA-UFSM, with consultation with the Editorial Board as necessary.


Submissions that fail to adhere to the required format will be automatically rejected.


The Brazilian Journal of Management - ReA does not charge any submission or article processing fees.


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