It’s possible to measure racism! Analysis of measures and scales of the racism construct




Racism, Scale construction, Measures, Measurement scales, Construct


Purpose: This research aims to analyze the construction and validation of measures and scales of the racism construct through a systematic literature review. The purpose is to examine how these instruments are built based on statistical recommendations for scale development.
Methodology: A systematic literature review followed well-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected from databases available on the Portal de Periódicos Capes, covering a period up to December 2023 (with no start date limitation). After removing duplicate articles and applying the defined filters, six studies were selected for the analysis of scale construction.
Findings: Three specific scales were identified to measure and evaluate the racism construct: the Modern Racism Scale, the Symbolic Racism Scale, and the Ethno-Racial Attitudes Scale. Although there is a predominance of studies on the Modern Racism Scale, other instruments were excluded from the analysis corpus due to non-compliance with inclusion criteria, especially related to article availability.
Originality: Among the 82 analyzed articles, those focused on measures and scales of the racism construct do not provide an analysis of the development of these instruments. This study brings to light an analysis of the construction and validation of these measures and scales.


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Author Biographies

Karina Francine Marcelino, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

PhD student in Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina - Center for Administration and Socioeconomic Sciences (UDESC/ESAG) with a sandwich period at the University of Technology Sydney. Master in Administration (2020) from the State University of Santa Catarina - Center for Administration and Socioeconomic Sciences (UDESC/ESAG). Postgraduate in People Management (2018) from the Municipal Faculty of Palhoça (FMP). Graduated in Public Administration (2014) from the State University of Santa Catarina - Center for Administration and Socioeconomic Sciences (UDESC/ESAG). Statutory Servant at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Professor at SENAC and SENAI Faculties. Associate researcher at the Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies - NEAB. Member of the Antonieta de Barros Chair: Education for Racial Equality and Combating Racism. Advisor to the Coletivo Negro Guerreiro Ramos (ESAG/UDESC). Member of the NEN Black Studies Center. Member of the National Technical Diversity Commission for Issues related to the Education of Afro-Brazilians (Cadara). Areas of interest: public management, people management, university management, ethnic-racial relations and affirmative actions.

Mário César Barreto Moraes, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

He has a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1982), a degree in Administration from the State University of Santa Catarina (1987), a master's degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1997) and a doctorate in Production Engineering from the University Federal Government of Santa Catarina (2001). Advisor to the State Education Council of the State of Santa Catarina - CEE-SC (2011-2023). Member of the Advisory Board of the National Association of Undergraduate Administration Courses - ANGRAD. President of the National Higher Education Assessment Commission - CONAES/MEC (2019-2022). President of CACS/FUNDEB of Santa Catarina (2017-2019). Member of the UNIEDU/FUMDES Commission - University Scholarship Program of the State of Santa Catarina. President of the National Association of Undergraduate Administration Courses - ANGRAD (2014-2026). Full professor at the State University of Santa Catarina - ESAG/UDESC. General Director of ESAG/UDESC (2010-2014); Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies at ESAG/UDESC (2004-2006); Coordinator of the Professional Postgraduate Program in Administration at ESAG/UDESC (2021-2023; 2015-2018; 2006-2009; 2002-2004). He has experience in the areas of Administration and Engineering, Teaching and Strategy, working mainly on the following topics: administration, education, evaluation, higher education, basic education and technical opinions in the area of ​​education and higher education legislation and standards.


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How to Cite

Marcelino, K. F., & Moraes, M. C. B. (2024). It’s possible to measure racism! Analysis of measures and scales of the racism construct. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 17(3), e1.


