FEW Nexus Approach (water-energy-food nexus) to sustainable development through the UN SDGS





Sustainable development, FEW Nexus, UN SDGs


Objective/Purpose: To analyze how the FEW Nexus Approach can contribute to the promotion of sustainable development, having the UN SDGs as a goal and serve as a new epistemological and ontological approach in solving problems related to a complex reality of the present day, such as the sustainable development.

Design/methodology/approach: Literature review on the current state of research involving the use of the FEW Nexus Approach, from a global overview to the research scenario on the subject in Brazil. The characterization of the FEW Nexus approach was also made, and its connection with the concepts of sustainable development.

Results: It was demonstrated that the FEW Nexus approach, when related to the concept of sustainable development, can seek in the Sustainable Development Goals the tangible goals that, eventually, this paradigm is criticized for not offering. The analysis helps to understand how, from this perspective, FEW Nexus considers the tradeoffs in the management of natural resources, the possibilities for directing public policies and social and economic programs, using the UN SDGs as targets.

Originality/Value: Demonstrate the applicability of the FEW Nexus Approach within Applied Social Sciences, where this approach is used much less frequently compared to the Hard Sciences. Possibility of offering a contribution to the elaboration of public policies that can address a crucial problem for sustainability, which is the attack on poverty in Brazil and worldwide.


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Author Biographies

Hildebrando Mazzardo Marques Viana, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Doctorate Degree in Business Administration in the IT Area, focusing on FEW Nexus research (water-energy-food nexus), by the PPGA of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, concluded in 2022. Master in Business Administration by the PPGA of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, completed in 2017. Graduated in Administration (UFRGS, 1998). Currently, he is a Technical Reviewer at Grupo Sagah, guest professor at the Laureate network, at the Ritter dos Reis University Center, in Porto Alegre and Canoas. MBA Specialization in Process Management, held at ESPM (2001) and extensive experience in the area of Administration, with emphasis on Logistics, Supply Chain and International Business. He has worked in management positions at companies such as viaLOG-GRUPO RBS and Zero Hora Editora Jornalística and Vogha-Higiene e Beleza, from the Cervosul group.

Tania Nunes da Silva, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Holds a degree in Accounting from the Álvares Penteado School of Commerce Foundation (1980), a specialization in Financial Administration from the Álvares Penteado School of Commerce Foundation (1982), a specialization in Financial Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1986), a Master’s in Administration from the University of São Paulo (1994) and PhD in Sociology from the University of São Paulo (1998). She is a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, retired on 09/03/2020, and since then has been linked as a guest professor. She is vice-coordinator of the Gestor (Group of Studies in Organizations) registered at CNPq. She has experience in the area of Administration, with an emphasis on family farming, complexity, cooperatives, sustainability, collective entrepreneurship, cooperation, social strategy and innovation, social technology, social entrepreneurship, Few Nexus (food, energy, water). She was Coordinator of the PPG-Agribusiness / UFRGS, from 07/2003 to 04/2008 and of the PPG-Administration / UFRGS, from 01/2011 to 12/2012.


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How to Cite

Viana, H. M. M., & Silva, T. N. da. (2023). FEW Nexus Approach (water-energy-food nexus) to sustainable development through the UN SDGS. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 16(2), e2. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983465970218


