Impact of training on the implementation of a new electronic system and acceptance of new technologies in a federal institution of higher education
Purpose – The adoption of new technologies is a challenge for organizations, which leads them to invest in training when implementing a new system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the impact of training on the acceptance of a new system, as well as the relationship between the impact of training and the acceptance of new technology with the frequency of use of the system by the user in a federal institution of higher education.
Design/methodology/approach – An online questionnaire was answered by participants from an institution two months after the training of a new system. A total of 288 responses were obtained (56.3 % were women, and 44.1 % were from 29 to 39 years). The scales for self-assessment of impact of training at work, for support to transfer, and for accepting new technologies were applied, in addition to sociodemographic data and frequency of use of the system. Correlations, linear regression, and ANOVA with a post hoc test were conducted to test the relationship between variables.
Findings – The results indicated that the greater the perception of impact of training, higher the acceptance of the new system. In addition, those who demonstrated greater acceptance of technology, used the system more frequently.
Research limitations/implications – This study has implications for the management of training related to new technologies.
Originality/value – It also contributes to the field by bringing the concept of impact of training jointly with the acceptance of new technologies, which traditionally has investigated only reactions to training, and not the transfer of skills.
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