Strategy as focus on development plan of arrangement a productive local region of Missões


  • Deoclécio Cardoso URI - Santo Ângelo
  • Leandro Dorneles dos Santos Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Santa Rosa
  • Edio Polacinski URI - Cerro Largo



Public policies have always been important to the development of remote geographical areas of major production centers. Among several examples of development policies, it stand out the Local Productive Arrangements (APL). In this context, the aim of this paper was to establish a theoretical reflection on strategy, development and APL and present at the same time, a case that is the definition of strategies for the construction of the cluster development plan of family agribusiness Region Missões, Rio Grande do Sul. Through an exploratory study, we sought to thus understand the concepts regarding strategy, development and APL, relating them to the construction of an APL development plan cited, with emphasis on strategies set for their execution. The results indicate the perceived importance of the definition of the strategies as a way of marking for implementation and execution of the cluster development plan, as well as for the development of the Region of Missões.


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Author Biographies

Deoclécio Cardoso, URI - Santo Ângelo

Graduando em Administração

Leandro Dorneles dos Santos, Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Santa Rosa

Mestre em Gestão Estratégica de Organizações

Edio Polacinski, URI - Cerro Largo

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção



How to Cite

Cardoso, D., Santos, L. D. dos, & Polacinski, E. (2016). Strategy as focus on development plan of arrangement a productive local region of Missões. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 9, 122–136.

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