English language as a global language in the band Now United
This teaching unit was developed with the aim of expanding the knowledge of students at a state school about English as a global language, and how this topic is present in the daily lives of these young people: social networks. The texts selected for the activities address the linguistic and cultural diversity of the musical group Now United, made up of members of different nationalities who communicate through the English language. The aim of creating and implementing this unit is to give students the opportunity to think about the social practices incorporated in the texts, as well as their lexicogrammatical structure and the way they relate to society, because when we educate students to be critical of the text they read, we help to form citizens capable of interacting more with the community, as well as defending their interests through language.
Dani. (2020). Now United Members Profile and Facts. Kpop and K celebrity profiles. Retrieved from: https://kprofiles.com/now-united-members-profile-facts/. Accessed: 30 de abril de 2022.
Now United. (2022a). Fan Arts. Los Angeles: Facebook. Retrieved from: https://www. facebook.com/NowUnited/posts/pfbid0JkzkUownutKz4PWHuFWT1ccjEjSSSbwmo 6M7oU4waRSPAN4WbkzU1K871vY5RWuhl. Accessed: 30 de abril de 2022.
Now United. (2022b). Selfie. Los Angeles: Facebook. Retrieved from: https://www. facebook.com/NowUnited/posts/pfbid0211ULkGoKabpTWyWSFZmvRvkpbKQ 6Z5ix3ko9EUkGmJrbfK7zpHHzP23fn4ZS91BMl. Accessed: 30 de abril de 2022.
Now United. (2022c). Wave your flag (Official Music Video). YouTube. Retrieved from: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn014zuYJ8E. Accessed: 29 de abril de 2022.
Now United. (2021a). Wave your flag. Musixmatch. Retrieved from: https://www.google.com/ search?q=letra+da+musica+wave+your+flag+now+united&oq=letra+da+m%C3%B Asica+wave+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512j0i22i30l8.10939j0j7&sourceid=chrome& ie=UTF-8. Accessed: 20 de abril de 2022. Now United. (2021b). World Tour 2022. Los Angeles: Instagram. Retrieved from: https://www.instagram.com/p/CWjBUYnPILB/. Accessed: 10 de abril de 2022.
Silva, Gabriele. (2019). BNCC: conheça as 10 competências gerais da educação básica. Educa Mais Brasil. Retrieved from: https://www.educamaisbrasil.com.br/ educacao/noticias/bncc-conheca-as-10-competencias-gerais-da-educacao-basica. Accessed: 10 abril 2022.
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