The mexican book festival of 1954 through the boletín bibliográfico de la shcp: a look at the visitor reader who writes




Book festival, 1954, 1924, Bibliographic Bulletin, Reader, Writer, México


From November 1 to 3, 1924, the Firs National Book Fair and Graphics Arts Exhibition was held in México. The event had an exhaustive organization with conferences, editorial presentations, bibliographic purchase and sale and historical, artistic and cultural exhibitions around the book and the conquest of peace after the revolutionary conflict (1910-1917). From the on, there were events that emulated the dissemination exercise of the national graphic culture. One of therm was the vi Mexican Book Festival of 1954, of which we can attest through the Boletín bibliográfico de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público of the Gobernment of México. This document explores said Fair from the print, observing the editorial team and the particular circumstances of production and reception. The main objective is to look at the active reader who is algo a visitor, in this case of a cultural festival; Literature consumer subject, which opens the doors to writing, allowing him to reflect on his immediate environment.


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Author Biography

Edgar Adolfo García Encina, Autonomous University of Zacatecas

Doctor in Spanish-American Literature from the Complutense University of Madrid. It belongs to the CONAHCYT National Researchers System. The Generation Lines of Knowledge Application: (1) Printed culture, production, trade and consumption of literature, and (2) Graphic culture: writing and image of the book. His latest books were Book Festivals (2020, Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura) and Antique Bookstores of Mexico, Notes and Winks from "La Galera" (2021, UAZ).


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VARIOS AUTORES. Boletín Bibliográfico de la SHCP, SHCP, México, Números 101 al 149. 1957.



How to Cite

García Encina, E. A. (2024). The mexican book festival of 1954 through the boletín bibliográfico de la shcp: a look at the visitor reader who writes. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 4(1).