The function and the multiple uses of book




Theory of Objects, Function of book, Uses of book, Cultural object, Technical object, Abraham Moles, Printed book


The paper approaches the analysis of the book from the Theory of Objects of Abraham Moles, focusing particularly on the difference between its function and its uses. Being the book a cultural object that has accompanied us throughout the centuries, it has led us to establish relationships that have placed it as the principal object of transmission and conservation of knowledge par excellence. The main reflection focuses on establishing and clarifying the substantial difference between the function and the uses of the book, which has led us to a confusion that arises when we think that the function is the same as the uses.  We have attributed functions that are not proper to the object under a load of semantic meanings. This is a first approach to the analysis of the book from the Theory of Objects, as part of a broader study, which also allows us to glimpse a dichotomy between the book and its content. 


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Author Biography

Alí Martínez Albarrán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, México

Doctor en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información, profesor de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. La investigación que realiza es sobre la Teoría de los objetos aplicada al libro. Actualmente, es Jefe del Departamento de Difusión del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, UNAM.


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How to Cite

Albarrán, A. M. . (2022). The function and the multiple uses of book. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 49–57.