Influence of the substrate chemical quality on nutrient content in seedling leaves of eucalyptus


  • Fábio Henrique Silva Floriano de Toledo
  • Nelson Venturin
  • Renato Luiz Grisi Macedo
  • Bruna Anair Souto Dias
  • Iberê Martí Moreira da Silva
  • Ygoor Yvaney Bessa Neves
  • Gleisson de Oliveira Nascimento
  • Leandro Carlos


Foliar analysis, Forest nutrition, Organic waste


This study aimed to assess the chemical quality of substrates obtained from the combination of an organic compound derived from waste of the pulp manufacturing process with the base substrate used as control and nutritional contents of eucalyptus leaves ready for transport. The study was conducted in the forest nursery at the Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using hybrid seeds of Eucalyptus “urograndis”. The treatments contained the following compost concentrations: T0 – 0% of compound; T1 – 20% of compound; T2 – 40% of compound; T3 – 60% of compound; T4 – 80% of compound and T5 – 100% of compound. The experiment was installed in a completely randomized design with six treatments and five replications with 30 seedlings each. The chemical analysis of substrates was performed and at 120 days after sowing (DAS), we conducted the foliar chemical analysis. All treatments were below the standards considered optimal for the variables measured. Nutrient contents in the leaves of eucalyptus seedlings did not show a relationship with the increased percentage of organic compound in the substrate. The combination of organic compound with the base substrate used as control did not result in any good quality substrate, because the eucalyptus leaves showed nutrient content below optimal levels.


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How to Cite

Toledo, F. H. S. F. de, Venturin, N., Macedo, R. L. G., Dias, B. A. S., Silva, I. M. M. da, Neves, Y. Y. B., Nascimento, G. de O., & Carlos, L. (2014). Influence of the substrate chemical quality on nutrient content in seedling leaves of eucalyptus. Revista Ecologia E Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO, 1(2), 89–96. Retrieved from




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