COMPET Talks: Adaptation Process During the Coronavirus Pandemic




Palestra, COMPET, Remoto


Obeying the recommendations given by the World Health Organization (WHO) to combat Coronavirus, CEFET-MG suspended its in-person activities. Therefore, COMPET Talks, an event organized by COMPET that consists of monthly talks on topics related to education, science and technology, had to adapt to the advised period of remote activities, and for  that it was necessary the use of new resources that enable live media transmissions, and a larger team of people in charge of executing the new demands arising from the remote format of the event. Still, the implementation of COMPET Talks in virtual form has been done efficiently and added positive points to the event.


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How to Cite

Vicente, L. O., Magalhães, S. F. de O. G., Da Cruz, A. R., & Dias, S. R. (2021). COMPET Talks: Adaptation Process During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette, 5(3), 46–54.

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