Studies in Baccharidinae (Asteraceae: Astereae). I: Lanugothamnus a new genus from South America


  • Leonardo Paz Deble Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Asteraceae, Baccharis, Compositae, subgenus Tarchonanthoides, nomenclature


It is described a new genus of Asteraceae, named Lanugothamnus, to include eighteen species and one subspecies of Baccharis before placed in the subgenus Tarchonanthoides. The genus Lanugothamnus has discussed its infragenerical treatment, being segregated in four subgenera: Lanugothamnus, Toxicothamnus, Curitybenses, and Tarchonanthoides. The subgenus Toxicothamnus is a taxonomic novelty, while the subgenera Curitybenses and Tarchonanthoides are based in Baccharis sect. Curitybenses, and Baccharis subg. Tarchonanthoides, respectively. Two new sections are described: Sericicarpa and Pluricephala. The former belongs to subgenus Lanugothamnus, while the later belongs to subgenus Toxicothamnus. Furthermore, two new species, named Lanugothamnus Anabelae and L. pluricapitulatus are described, illustrated and have their taxonomic affinities discussed. Lectotypes are proposed to names Baccharis artemisioides, B. patens, and B. squarrosa. Baccharis multipaniculata is placed in synonymy with Lanugothamnus scabrifolius. A key to segregate the subgenera and species of Lanugothamnus is given, and the appropriate new combinations are made.


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Biografia do Autor

Leonardo Paz Deble, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professor Titular do Departamento de Ciências Florestais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Formado em Engenharia Florestal pela UFSM. Mestre e Doutor em Engenharia Florestal pela UFPR. Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 1D.




Como Citar

Deble, L. P. (2014). Studies in Baccharidinae (Asteraceae: Astereae). I: Lanugothamnus a new genus from South America. Balduinia, (37), p. 02–25.




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