Political journalism in small newspapers and its news values
News, Policy, Discourse, Journalism, Political scienceAbstract
The objective of this article is to identify discursive marks and enunciated strategies of the news of political coverage by the printed newspapers O Regional and Folha de São Borja, in circulation in the municipality of São Borja, RS State in South Brazil. From a comparative study by Discourse Analysis (AD) methodology some identification was possible on the reduced mediation of the printed media in the social arena of community politics in those localities. We work with the hypothesis that the framing given by the newspapers to expressly political guidelines has been superficial and confer to the news field and to the readers much more a sense of normality than of mobilization and questioning as would be the function of the newspapers. The research question is precisely how newspapers do this framework in the sense of mediation of topics of interest to the community. This is an empirical survey with a theoretical-methodological basis in the French tradition of AD on a representative number of editions of these two newspapers. The study is characterized by its interdisciplinary aspects converging Theory of Journalism with studies in Political Science and Linguistics.Downloads
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