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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Editorial Line


A Revista Sociais e Humanas (Social and Human Journal) is a biannual jornal of the Centre of Social and Human Science in the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (CCSH – UFSM), and it is open to collaboration with national and international researchers. Its editorial line seeks to provide space for the discussion of current issues of Brazilian society, through a debate which promotes constant dialogue with related knowledge areas such as Business Administration, Archivology/Anthropology, Accounting, Social Communication, Law, Economics, Philosophy, History, Psychology and Sociology, therefore not being characterized as a departamental periodical.

The journal accepts for publishing:

  • Articles with analytical content, presenting original contributions in diverse knowledge areas and which are related to the editorial line of this journal;
  • Essays;
  • Social, political and economical analyzes and diagnoses;
  • Critical reviews of publications issued in Brazil, which are related to the editorial line of this journal.

The Revista Sociais e Humanas reserves itself all the copyrights of published articles, including the translated ones, allowing however their subsequent reproduction with the proper quoting of the source.


  1. 1. Instructions to authors

1.1 Submission

  • The article submitted to this journal must be unpublished, i.e., it can not have been or is being submitted to another journal, in Brazil or abroad. Articles published in annals of scientific meetings, such as conferences, seminars, symposia, and others, are considered unique.
  • Articles in Portuguese and Spanish  will be accepted.
  • The articles submitted to the Revista Sociais e Humanas will be preliminarily examined by the editor as to their convenience with the journal goals. In case they meet this requirement, they will be evaluated through the blind view system, by two examiners, which may accept, reject or resubmit the original to the author(s) with suggestions for changes. After their approval by the examiners, the articles will be submitted to the members of the Editorial Board, and, in case of approval, they will be published.
  • The authors identification is limited to the registration form in the system. There must be no identification of the author(s) throughout the article submitted. In the submission process it is important to be careful when fulfilling the author’s data in the registration form (full name of the author(s) and co-authors, if possible a residential address, institutional address, email address, phone number, among other information).
  • The article must be sent only through the online submission system, on the website ( Articles sent via electronic mail, postal mail, or any other form are not going to be accepted.


1.2 Format

  • Articles must be typed in Microsoft Word 2003 or higher, in Word format.
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12; 20 pages top.
  • Paper format: A4.
  • Paragraph spacing: 0
  • Line spacing: 1.
  • Page margins: bottom and right 2 cm, left and top 3 cm.
  • Alignment: justified.
  • Special indent for the first line: 1,25 cm.
  • Title in English, capital letters, bold, central alignment, Times New Roman, size 12, followed by a line spacing.
  • The abstract words must be in capital letters, bold, Times New Roman, size 12. Titles of sections must be numbered from the introduction, using Arabic numerals, aligned to the left (exception: the references are not numbered) only with the first letter in capital letter, standardized as follows: 1 Introduction; 2 Theoretical Framework; 3 Method; 4 Results Presentation and Discussion; 5 Final Considerations; References.
  • Subtitles must have only the first letter in uppercase and they are not in bold letters.
  • The keywords must be in bold and only the first letter in uppercase.
  • Abstract: only one paragraph, up to 15 lines, Times New Roman, size 12, justified.
  • Keywords: no more than five words, separated by semicolon, onlye the initials in uppercase, Times New Roman, size 12, justified.
  • Words and expressions in foreign languages must be in italic.
  • Figures and tables must have titles, complete source and labels, in colors black, white or shades of gray in Times New Roman, size 10, single space between sentences. They must present good resolution, so that they can be reduced without losing legibility.
  • Title in table, in the tp with spaces between the title and the table, not in bold, Times New Roman, size 12, justified, the first letter in uppercase.
  • Formulas must be accompanied with the demonstration to make it easier the evaluation of the examiner, highlighted in the text, and, if necessary, numbered with Arabic numerals in brackets, aligned to the right.
  • Explanatory notes are presented in Arabic numerals after the conclusion of the article.
  • Footnotes in Times New Roman, size 10, justified, single space between sentences. For instance, how to use a footnote refering to a copyright:

(Article originally published by Timothy A. Luehrman, under the title Using APV, in Harvard Business Review, May-June, p. 145-154, 1997).

  • The articles which do not attend all these guidelines from the Revista Sociais e Humanas will be dismissed by the Editorial Board.



There must be indication of the suppressions, interpolations, comments, emphasis or highlights, translations and verbal information as it follows:

-          Suppressions: [...]

-          Interpolations, addings or comments: [.]

-          Emphasis or highlights: add the expression “emphasis added”, enclosed in brackets, in the bibliographical quotation data.

-          Translation: add the expression “our translation”, enclosed in brackets, in the bibliographical quotation data.

-          When it comes to data obtained through verbal information (lectures, debates, communications, etc.) it shoulbe be stated, enclosed in brackets, the verbal information expression, mentioning the available data.



1.3.1 Quoting in the middle of the text: they must obbey to the following rules: one author (Leipnitz, 1987); two authors (Turner and Verhoogen, 1960); three or more authors (Amaral et al., 1966).



1.3.2 Direct quotation – it is defined as the verbatim transcription of part of the referred author’s work.

Up to three lines: they are inserted among the text, with double quotation marks, indicating the source (author, year, page). In case there are quotation marks in the original text, these should be replaced in the quotation for single quotation marks.

Example 1: To Vergara and Branco (2001, p.22) the “humanized company is an expression to describe the organizations...”.

Example 2: According to Sá (1995,p.27): “[...] through the same ‘conversation art’ that comprises such an extent and significant part of our daily existence [...]”

More than three lines: they must be presented in a separate paragraph, with 4cm indentation in the left margin, in a smaller size than in the text, no quotation marks, indicating the source together with the citation. Times New Roman 11 should be used. Example:

Touristic marketing is a philosophy of work, which involves everyone and everything in a private or public organization. It requires connected efforts and interdependent from the official tourism organizations, the tourism sector associations, the transporters, the hotel sector, the travel agencies, theme parks, restaurants and, mainly, the community (BARRETO, 1996, p.6).



1.3.3 Indirect quotation – It is a text based on the consultation of one or more authors. Indication of the page number is optional.

One author: Besides that, Reis (2003) calls attention to the importance of the definition of a theoretical framework...

Two or three authors: Merriam and Caffarella (1991) observe that the location of resources has a crucial role in the self-guided learning process.

More than three authors: Lacerda and others (2000) state that...

Diverse documents from the same author: if the quotings have their sources in documents published in different periods and from the same author(s), the years are separated by comma.

Example: (DREYFUSS, 1989, 1991, 1995)

Diverse documents from the same authors and year of publication: documents of the same author(s), published in the same year, are distinguised by lowcase letters together with the year.

Example: According to Reeside (1927a, 1927b)...

Diverse documents from different authors: when some idea is shared by many authors, all of them are named, separated by semicolon.

Example: The literature on insatisfaction and complaints has been through some important conceptual developments (STEPHENS and GWINNERS, 1998; SINGH and WILKES, 1996).


1.4 Bibliographic references

The references, of all those cited, should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text, aligned to the left, according to the ABNT regulation, NBR 6023, from 2002, typed separated from each other by single spacing. Examples:


1.4.1 Books

LEWIN, K. Field theory in social science. Nova York: Harper & Row, 1951.


1.4.2 Electronic books, online

The references should obey the indicated standard for printed publications, adding the electronic address and the date in which the document was accessed.

TSAY, R.S. Analysis of financial time series. 3 ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Available on:<

sec=frontcover&dq=Analysis+of+financial+time+series&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Qt1pUaHcKMjE4AOD0YHIDA&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA>. Access date: March, 13th. 2013.


1.4.3 Books chapter

SCHWARTZ, S. H. Universals in the content and structure of values: Theory and empirical tests in 20 countries. In: ZANNA, M. (Ed.). Advances in experimental social psychology. New York: Academic Press, 1992.


1.4.4 Articles from periodicals

RAMOS-RODRIGUEZ, A.R.; RUIZ-NAVARRO, J.R.. Changes in the intellectual structure of strategic management research: a bibliometric study of the Strategic Management Journal, 1980-2000. Strategic Management Journal, vol. 25, p. 981-1004. 2004.


1.4.5 Articles from publishing in series

COELHO, P. S; ESTEVES, S. P. The choice between a 5-point and a 10-point scale in the framework of customer. satisfaction measurement. Lisboa: ISEGI – Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação - New University of Lisbon, 2007.


1.4.6 Articles published in events

DZIUBAN, C.; MOSKAL, P. Emerging research issues in distributed learning. In: 7ª Sloan-C International Conference of Asynchronous Learning Network, 2001.


1.4.7 Thesis and dissertations

SUMARWAN, U. A managerial system approach to factors influencing satisfaction wih households' financial status. 123 p. Dissertation (Master of Science). Iowa State University, 1990.

PONCHIO, M. C. The influence of materialism on consumption indebtedness in the context of low income consumers from the city of São Paulo. 175 p. Thesis (Doctoral of Business) - Fundação Getúlio Vargas: São Paulo, 2006.


1.4.8 Articles in Journals

ALMEIDA, C., Duarte, A., & Fernandes, C. (2003). A generalization of principal components analysis for non-observable term structures in emerging markets. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, v. 6, n. 8, p. 885-903, 2008.


1.4.9 Documents only accessed via electronic

ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. Improving financial literacy: analysis of issues and policies, 2005. Available on: <>. Access date: December, 27th. 2012.


1.4.10 Printed journals

PIROG, S. F.; ROBERTS, J. A. Personality and credit card misuse among college students: the mediating role of impulsiveness. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, v. 15, n. 1, p. 65-77, 2007.


5. Evaluation criteria

1. Theme (contemporary and significant)

2. Objectives (clear and well defined)

3. Theoretical review (indicating the current state of the knowledge in the area)

4. Theoretical or conceptual consistency of the study (appropriate and well structured)

5. Methodology (clearly defined and compatible with the study objectives)

6. Data and results analysis (correct interpretation of data and articulated with the theory)

7. Conclusions (grounded in the research data, being clear and unbiased)

8. Cientific contributions (specifically to the theme area knowledge)

9. Redaction and text articulation (spelling and grammar, clarity, objectivity, formal structure).



Postal Address


Prédio 74B- sala 3112 - CCSH

Campus da UFSM

CEP 97105-900 - Santa Maria – RS



Phone number: + 55 3220-8522


Artigos Livres

Preferencialmente com pelo menos um(a) autor(a) Doutor(a).

Dossiê Temático

Preferencialmente com pelo menos um(a) autor(a) Doutor(a).

Iniciação Científica e Relatos de Pesquisa

Espaço destinado aos artigos de iniciação científica e conclusão de curso em co-autoria do orientador com título mínimo de mestre. Serão publicados no máximo 4 artigos por edição.

Produção Artístico-Cultural

Espaço destinado a produção artístico científica. Nessa seção as autoras e autores deverão encaminhar a produção artística e um texto reflexivo sobre a elaboração do produto. As produções artísticas (fotografias e imagens) deverão ser encaminhados como documentos complementares. Caso a produção seja audiovisual ou áudio deverão conter no corpo do texto o link para o repositório digital.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.