Tibagi, Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos, Coleta Seletiva.Abstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of solid waste management inthe municipality of Tibagi, Paraná, a city with approximately 20000 inhabitants, whichimplemented the selective collection program called Recycle Tibagi. The analysis was based ondescriptive statistical techniques, considering the three types of waste (tailings, organic andrecyclable), and per capita generation of garbage upward trend in the coming years, based on themethod of Winter (Triple Exponential Damping), using data recorded by the Department of theEnvironment and the Association of Recyclable Materials from Tibagi - ACAMARTI. Efficientselective collection from a structured environmental education program with constant trainingconducted with the scavengers, possible to obtain important data in sorting and marketing ofrecyclable materials, saving raw materials, water and energy, as well as relevant indicators socialinclusion and employment generation and income. The project involves several areas of municipalmanagement and arouses curiosity and interest in several areas: social, financial, environmental and administrative. It's a way to encourage new projects and public bodies, highlighting theimportance of recycling and proper disposal of solid waste.
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