Evaluation of efficiency of advanced oxidative process in degradation of 2-4 dichlorophenol employing UV-C radiation reator


  • Léa Elias Mendes Carneiro Zaidan UFPE
  • Rannuzya Brandão Pinheiro Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento
  • Rayany Magali da Rocha Santana Faculdade Maurício de Nassau
  • Lívia Vieira Carlini Charamba UFPE
  • Daniella Carla Napoleão UFPE
  • Valdinete Lins da Silva UFPE




2,4-dichlorophenol, Photo-Fenton, Chromatography


The study accomplished to analyze, identify and quantify 2,4-dichlorophenol employing high efficiency chromatography with a previously validated analytical methodology. The validation was made by using some analytical parameters: linearity, precision, accuracy, quantification limit (LOQ) and detection limit (LOD). The analytical curve was linear for the studied range of concentration (10 up to 100 mg.L-1) presenting a linear regression coefficient (R2) above 0,99. Regarding the methodology accuracy, a repeatability analysis was performed by observing a coefficient of variance (CV) below 20% for each of the concentrations used. The LOD and LOQ were adequate for the analyzed compound, showing the values of 1.42 mg.L-1 and 4.30 mg.L-1, respectively. The tests to verify the accuracy, by the recovery method provided values above 79%, thus resulting in specific, sensitive, precise, linear and accurate methodology in the studied concentration range. In the advanced oxidative process UV/H2O2, the compound was degraded to 88.04% under the following experimental conditions: [H2O2] = 1016.0 mg∙L-1 in 120 minutes. Therefore, it can be affirmed that the treatment employed can be used as an alternative for industrial effluent treatment with phenolic compounds. 


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Author Biographies

Léa Elias Mendes Carneiro Zaidan, UFPE

Doutora em Engenharia Química pela UFPE

Daniella Carla Napoleão, UFPE

Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Engenharia Química da UFPE


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How to Cite

Zaidan, L. E. M. C., Pinheiro, R. B., Santana, R. M. da R., Charamba, L. V. C., Napoleão, D. C., & Silva, V. L. da. (2017). Evaluation of efficiency of advanced oxidative process in degradation of 2-4 dichlorophenol employing UV-C radiation reator. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 21(2), 147–157. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117027766




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