Leucaena leucocephala, Piptadenia gonoacantha, pyrolysis, vegetable coal.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate of the energetic potentialities of leucena woods (<i>Leucaena leucocephala</i>) and pau-jacaré (<i>Piptadenia gonoacantha</i>), species with good indices of productivity and interesting silviculturais characteristics using as comparison the eucalipto wood (<i>Eucalyptus grandis</i>). The woody materials were pyrolysed to the temperatures of 400oC and 600oC in an oven mufla properly adapted. Soon after, the average revenues in vegetable coal, in fixed carbon, condensable gases and incondensáveis, observed after the pyrolysis were compared to each other. From the analysis of the data was possible to verify that, in terms of absolute, the biggest average gravimetric revenue, of 30,48%, was introduced by the vegetable coal of the firewood of the pau-jacaré (<i>P. gonoacantha</i>), pyrolysed to the temperature 400oC and when pyrolysed to the temperatures of 400oC and 600oC, they introduced revenues in fixed lightly better carbon to the of the two other species. Considering itself that the revenue in fixed carbon is a variable that drift of qualitative and quantitative parameters of the coal, it can conclude that the pau-jacaré (<i>P. gonoacantha</i>), among the analyzed species, it is in excess nominee to supply material to be used as fuel, so much in the firewood form as of vegetable coal.
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