Construction of a Residue Management Policy in the University of São Paulo: A model for the implementation of the NSRP in HEI
Higher Education Institution (HEI), Waste Management, Environmental ManagementAbstract
The actual scenario of the University of São Paulo (USP) has, in an isolated form, various environmental initiatives in diverse fronts, according to the reality of its campi. In 2010, USP designated an Environmental Management coordinator attached to the university’s rectory. The following year USP approved the its Environmental Policy, that promotes environmental sustainability in all its campi. In 2012 the Environmental Management Superintendence (SGA) was created as an office responsible for environmental management of the university, with the objective of developing norms for environmental issues in agreement to the proposed environmental policy. This superintendence created in 2012 a Working Group for dealing with issues related to solid residues generated in USP. This group, composed of specialists in this area and coordinated by an member of the SGA, developed, using participative processes, strategies and procedures for the elaboration and implementation of the Solid Residue Management Policy (PGRUSP). This policy following a previous model (PUSP-C, 2010), has as objective adequate the National Solid Residue Policy (PNRS) to the university’s environment. An initial version of the PGRUSP was presented to the academic community in a Forum promoted by the SGA. In this occasion, representatives of all the categories coming from the university’s different campi, apart from members of the external community, analyzed the document and made suggestions on its contents that were later included in the final document. PGRUSP determines the elaboration of Residue Management Plans in all the units that belong to USP. At this moment, the Working Group is elaborating directives for the training of the academic community for the execution of an ample residue diagnosis, with the objective of also mobilizing and publicizing the directives of the PGRUSP. The training and residue management plan construction presupposes learning about the practical issues of residue management. Data production and indicator construction will be the basis for the continuous and efficient implementation of this policy. For the ordering of the data a virtual platform is being developed. With such a platform, USP pretends to control generation, stocking, treatment and destination of Solid Residues produced in its academic units. It pretends with this database, to generate information that will permit the SGA to make decisions that will improve residue management in USP’s campi and, consequently, minimize environmental impacts caused in all levels of its activities.
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