Political skill in organizations: paths of an evolving concept




Parole chiave:

Political Skill; Bibliometry; Inventory; Publications Profile.


Purpose: To present a scientific mapping of the concept of Political Skill in Organizations and its measurement instrument to show how production has evolved, which themes cover this field, trends, and a global panorama of collaborations.

Methodology: Statistical methods to delineate the structure of the scientific field and its dynamics. We used the RStudio (Bibliometrix package) and Vosviewer tools to examine metadata from two samples from the Scopus database (n1=797 and n2=807), covering the last 40 years of production on the subject.

Findings: Political Skill in Organizations is a current and well-structured construct; its relationship constantly expands with several other concepts; its driving themes are job performance, power, and organizational politics. Emerging topics are stress, impression management, and leader political skill. We also highlighted the most influential authors and publications. The Political Skill Inventory measurement instrument remains widely used in different contexts. However, there need to be more collaborations in Latin America.

Originality: An up-to-date analysis of the paths and scope of a concept in conjunction with its measurement instrument promotes theoretical-empirical integration and provides insights and starting points for researchers interested in organizational politics.


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Biografie autore

Romulo Matos de Moraes, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

PhD Student in Cognition and Language from State University of Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro

Master in Science in Business Management from Fucape Business School

Rosalee Santos Crespo Istoe, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

PhD in Children's and Women's Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Master in Health Psychology from the Methodist University of São Paulo

Valtair Afonso Miranda , Faculdade Batista do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Post-doctorate in Cognition and Language from State University of Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro. PhD in History from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

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Come citare

Moraes, R. M. de ., Istoe, R. S. C. ., & Miranda , V. A. . (2023). Political skill in organizations: paths of an evolving concept. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 16(2), e7. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983465971331


