Institutional logics and social mechanisms: a pragmatic multilevel perspective


  • Mayla Cristina Costa Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Maísa Gomide Teixeira UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



DOI: 10.5902/198346598220

Institutionalists have argued about some different toolkit for addressing the paths of historical change in the different areas of research, including the development of a set of social mechanisms that may help to account for the impact of macro-level changes on the micro or individual level. In recent years institutional research has been focusing on institutional logics as an analytical approach with a higher potential to solve this puzzle. Therefore the main goal of this paper is to open a research stream onto a focus on a methodological approach and analytical tool to study multi-level relationships. For instance, a topic that has been claimed as still in need of more consideration, the understanding of how organizations are influenced by competing logics, and the implications of those logics in terms of practices performed by actors and group identity formation, could be better explored.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mayla Cristina Costa, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Doutora pela Universidade Positivo

Professora adjunta do departamento de contabilidade da Universidade Federal do Paraná; Coordenadora do MBA em Auditoria da Universidade Federal do Paraná

Maísa Gomide Teixeira, UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Paraná

Pós-Doutoranda da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - Departamento de Administração



Cómo citar

Costa, M. C., & Teixeira, M. G. (2013). Institutional logics and social mechanisms: a pragmatic multilevel perspective. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 6(2), 415–430.




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